
So it is now June in the apiary and while we have had our fair share of rain and stormy weather the bees are doing really well. Some of the colonies got to the swarming stage and have been split. This produces the colonies for the next season and prevents the hive from swarming. So we are now up to approx 15 individual colonies.

The hives have been filling up with honey over the past 2 weeks and there is an opportunity to take some honey off the stronger colonies. So with the help of my young assistant we removed and extracted some of the excess honey.

This is not the main crop of honey from our hives (This comes later in the summer) The spring honey was spun out of the combs, filtered through multiple sieves and left to settle for a week in the settling tank. (this lets any bubbles rise to the top)  The left over honey was given back to the bees,

Our spring honey has now been jarred and labelled and is ready if you are interested.
Contact us for details.

Posted in Spring.

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